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Apr 20, 2022

You probably know the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated. But what does it have to do with manufacturing? A lot, according to this podcast with public speaker Thom Singer! In this episode, Thom talks about the many ways manufacturing leaders and business owners can use empathy to build better relationships, foster collaboration, and ensure their current and former employee speak positively of them. He also shares some ways leaders can turn their employees into their company’s best ambassadors by promoting growth opportunities, encouraging connections, and embracing competition. 1:04 - All opportunities in life comes from other people. 1:45 - Remember the golden role – treat others how you want to be treated 2:15 - Everyone comes to work with their own personal “stuff,” so it’s important to take a step back and stay curious about what is going on with others in your organization 3:17 - How people approach relationships often depends on their generation 4:18 - Empathy and understanding play a huge role in community building 5:25 – If you aren’t consistent in how you show up, others will have a hard time trusting you

7:03 – Your employees are your company’s great ambassadors

7:24 – When people feel connected at work, they are more likely to stay with your company and will be more productive

10:57 – High competition can make you a better leader

11:45 – If your employees are on platforms like LinkedIn, it’s a chance for them to highlight the strengths of your company

12:45 – Oftentimes, employees leave jobs or being job searching on platforms liked LinkedIn because they don’t see opportunities for growth or because they don’t feel fulfilled or challenged

14:00 – Friendships and connections are a key part of making employees feel fulfilled at work

15:33 – Some companies worry that if they offer personal or career development, their employees will gain skills they can use to leave the company, but you can combat this by finding them growth and opportunities within your own company

16:06 – The best leaders want their employees to grow into their best selves

17:43 – Sometimes, it may be best for an employee to seek work elsewhere and it’s important to make sure they still stay good things about your company once they’re gone

18:58 – If you help an employee find a better opportunity, it reflects well on you and your values

25:15 – Don’t be afraid of your employees making connections outside of the company

26:17 – Through sharing and collaborating, you have many chances to learn and grow through the feedback of others

28:01 – You want diversity of thought, not an echo chamber

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